2021 photo contest featuring the SNETT Rail Trail is here!
Who should enter: Anyone, any age. Exceptions: FBRTC Executive Board Members and members of the FBRTC Judging Panel.
What to enter: Any photos taken during June 2021 on any section of the 22-mile long SNETT (Southern New England Trunkline Trail) of nature, landscapes, people on the trail.
Note: A signed release from any recognizable people in your images is required, and you must be able to provide copies of those releases to the Franklin & Bellingham Rail Trail Committee upon request.
How to enter: Take a photo on the SNETT rail trail and post on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter only) with a hashtag #SNETTPhoto2021. Then email the photo (including the photo caption and photo location), and your name to fbrtcommittee@gmail.com. Photos should be jpg/jpeg files no larger than 10MB (no screen shots). One photo per contestant.
When to Enter: Contest runs June 1 – June 30, 2021.
Judging: Top 3 finalists (1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place) will be selected by a panel of the FBRTC volunteer members. All decisions made by the judges are final.
Prizes: The winner will receive a $50 Think Franklin First gift card. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will all receive FBRTC’s free one year membership.
Rights: By entering this photo contest, you hereby grant to the Franklin & Bellingham Rail Trail Committee (FBRTC): Non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable publication rights for your photos in all FBRTC’s publicity materials (print or electronic), and the right to use your name in such publications. This includes the right to use your photos on our website, social media, in print and electronic advertisements and promotions.
All photographs will be credited with the caption “©Person’s Name.”
Franklin & Bellingham Rail Trail Committee reserves the right at our sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the photo contest.
Here is a link to the #SNETTPhoto2020 contest, if you need inspiration. We are looking forward to receiving many wonderful photos!