All posts by FBRTC

5K Race Raises Over $8,500 for the Franklin & Bellingham Rail Trail Committee

The Franklin & Bellingham Rail Trail Committee (FBRTC) is thrilled to announce the successful completion of the 5K race hosted by the Tri-Valley Front Runners (TVFR), which raised over $8,500 to support the development and maintenance of the Southern New England Trunkline Trail (SNETT). We extend our heartfelt gratitude to TVFR and especially to Mark Capparella, the dedicated race director, and his team for their unwavering support and exceptional organization of this event. At the most recent FBRTC meeting, Mark and the TVFR team presented President Cliff Winters with a donation of $5,373.56, which accounted for the net proceeds of the 2024 race.

Pictured:  Jill Duhaime (TVFR), Mark Capparella (TVFR), Cliff Winters (FBRTC), Sue Fleuette (FBRTC), Dave Labonte (FBRTC), Barry Regan (TVFR), Stephen Sullivan (TVFR)
Pictured: Jill Duhaime (TVFR), Mark Capparella (TVFR), Cliff Winters (FBRTC), Sue Fleuette (FBRTC), Dave Labonte (FBRTC), Barry Regan (TVFR), Stephen Sullivan (TVFR)

The Tri-Valley Front Runners, the premier running organization in the Tri-Valley region, took over the production of this race in 2019 when Dave Labonte, the former director, stepped down. Steve Pohnert, a member of both FBRTC and TVFR, facilitated this transition, and since then, TVFR has continuously supported our cause. The event resumed with a virtual race in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by an in-person road race in 2022, and last year, we successfully hosted our first trail race in 2023.

TVFR, founded in the early 1980s, is an all-inclusive, vibrant running club that welcomes runners of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. They organize a variety of events, including road races, trail runs, track workouts, and group training runs, fostering a sense of community and promoting healthy living. For more information about TVFR, visit Tri-Valley Front Runners.

The FBRTC is a non-profit organization dedicated to the use and development of the SNETT. Our mission is to create, promote, and maintain a safe and accessible trail system that benefits the communities of Franklin and Bellingham. Learn more about our efforts at Franklin Bellingham Rail Trail.

The recent 5K race saw a total of 226 registered participants, with 184 finishers, marking an increase from 131 registrants and 108 finishers in 2022, and 147 registrants and 137 finishers in 2023. The success of this event is a testament to the hard work and collaboration between our volunteers and the TVFR team, including 13 TVFR volunteers and an additional 14 members who participated in the race.

We would like to acknowledge and congratulate our top finishers: Andrew Bairos of Franklin, who won the overall men’s category, and Elizabeth Traphagen of Franklin, who won the overall women’s category. A total of 58 medals were awarded across various age groups, celebrating the spirit and competitiveness of all participants. Full race results can be found at 2024 FBRTC 5K Results.

The next race is scheduled for Saturday, May 17, 2025. We look forward to another successful event and continued support from our community. For more information on how to get involved or support the FBRTC, please visit our website.

Story Walks are now on the Rail Trail

Next time you are out on the trail, check out one of the Story Walks we have installed. Currently, “Tidy” is over at the Grove Street trailhead, and “One Springy, Singy Day” is over at the Harpin Street trailhead.

Throughout the year, we will be also utilizing the Lake Street, Center Street and Fox Run trailheads, so keep an eye out for when new stories appear.

Thank you to our friends at the Franklin Public Library and the Bellingham Public Library for putting together these stories.

See you out on the trail!

The Rail Trail 5k is less than 2 weeks away!

Race signs are now up along the trail!

With less than two weeks until the race, you still have time to register.

FBRTC 5k Online Registration

Online registration closes on Thursday, May 16.

Once online registration closes, you can still register in person.

In person registration will be available at the following locations:

Friday, May 17 : 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Bib Pickup – Timeless Crossfit

90 Hayward Street, Franklin

Saturday, May 18 : 7:30 AM – 8:45 AM

Race Day – Grove Street Trailhead

We are also looking for a couple more volunteers to assist with the 5k.

If you are interested, sign up here.

FBRTC is searching for 5k volunteers

Greetings Franklin & Bellingham Rail Trail community.  The FBRTC is looking for volunteers to help the morning of May 18, 2024 for our annual 5k fundraiser.  Our partners at Tri-Valley Front Runners will be leading the event, but need assistance in the following areas:

  • Parking
  • Greeting/Direction
  • Raffle Tent
  • Registration / Bib Pick Up / Check In
  • Road Crew
  • Water Stop / Turn Around Spot
  • Timing / Start / Finish / Results / Awards

We need volunteers at different times of the morning, from setting up the event starting around 8:00 AM, to supporting the race at 9:00 AM, to breaking down the event starting at 10:00 AM.

If you can help out at all, please sign up below.

Volunteer Sign Up